Pushing Through the Heat and Mastering New Skills!!
After morning training with 2nd Gen Soke this morning, we had a 1-hour break for breakfast and a short refresh before our second session of the day, a kumite session with Marc Waterfield Sensei.
Even though it made for only a short break after morning training, we arranged to bring that session forward to a 9am start. It’s already starting to get hot in the dojo (35+ degrees today).
A great session working on distance, timing, and the importance of being well-positioned when the opportunity arises.
Just on a lunch break now, then we have 2 more sessions to go today: Kobujutsu with Higuchi Sensei and another session this evening with Yuko Sensei.”
Stay tuned for more updates on our Aussie athletes!
“With peace, perseverance, and hard work, we are sure to reach our goals.”