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Project Lift Member Competition – Leaderboard Update


(As at 25 Aug)

It’s great seeing lots of new people getting started and taking advantage of the opportunity to double their initial membership from 3 months to 6 months at no extra cost.

This is one of the goals of our partnership with Project Lift, we want to help make training at Sunshine Coast Karate more accessible for new students.

On the other hand, we want to have fun with our existing members. And it’s been great seeing eveyone get involved.

After the paper plane competitions in the dojo over the last 2 weeks there are now a lot more people in the running to win one of the prize packages of 6 months free training & an ipad. Remember there are 2 prizes packages up for grabs. One will go to the highest points earner. The other will be chosen at random. The more points you have, the more entries you get in the random prize draw.

A special mention to some of the big points earners from the paper plane competition:

  • Khan Family
  • Marshall & Spencer Clarke
  • George May
  • Kieboom Family

If you still haven’t got many entries in, it’s not too late. We still have just over a month to go. The member competition runs through until 30th September.

Of course you can earn points everyday. There are a whole list of things you do to earn points. Check the competition webpage for details.

We have some more fun ways to earn bonus points for a couple of weeks, starting Mon 2 Sep. But we’ll share more about that later in the coming week.

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