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Tournament Preparations Have Begun


Gold Coast Tournament – Sunday, 11 August

Tournament training isn’t compulsory at Sunshine Coast Karate, but it is certainly a great way to build momentum and accelerate your growth. It’s not easy, but the intrinsic rewards are …PRICELESS.

And, yes… if you are a student at Sunshine Coast Karate, you are welcome to join.

A huge shoutout to all SCK Tournament Squad members for being YOU. Love the enthusiasm and curiosity that you bring to every squad session.

Two more tournaments remaining in 2024
– Sun 11 August (Hosted by Gold Coast Chito-Ryu Karate)
– Sun 27 Oct (Hosted by I.C.K.F.A (Sunshine Coast Branch)

Plus, a training intensive you don’t want to miss.
Fri 30 Aug – Sun 1 Sept
More information coming soon.

We’d love to welcome you to the SCK Squad. Reach out and learn how you can be a part of this amazing squad.

About the Author

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