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QLD Chito-Ryu Karate Camp – Beach Training


As is tradition at the annual QLD Chito-Ryu Training Camp, the Sunday morning session is reserved for beach training. This year we were blessed with quite warm weather (for a winter morning).

Everyone gathered at the gates to leave the camp facilities before sunrise to make the trek to the beach. First challenge was to figure out how to open the gate. We had the code, but couldn’t figure out how to make it work.

After the 5 minute walk to the beach, we settled into seiza for a 20 minute meditation. There was a cool breeze, the sky was clear and there was a glow on the horizon just before sunrise. As we settled into the meditation, we could hear the sound of the waves crashing and birds. Aside from us, there were were only a few people doing their early morning beach walk, along with a few pet dogs that stopped to say hello.

By the time we finished the meditation, the sun was over the horizon warming everyone up as we started training. Warm up and basics all together, followed by kata in small groups lead by the black belts.

It was wonderful to see all participants making the most of the experience, training together and learning.

After training, walk back to the camp facility, wash off the sand, breakfast and then back into the gymnasium for the next session.

A big thank you to Whaia for all for all of the photos & video footage.

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