Rise to the Challenge: We Believe in You!

Words Of Inspiration

To All of Our Amazing Little Champions & Karate Kids, As we prepare for a new school term, we want to express our gratitude for being part of our Sunshine Coast Karate family. The skills you’re sharpening in the dojo — self-discipline, focus, and resilience (and so much more) — will serve you well both

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5 Step Process to Take Back Control of Your Life

Words Of Inspiration

Do you have days when you feel that your life is out of control and you are barely surviving?  Like a plane spiralling out of control to the ground at high speed.  The more you fight it, the faster you fall.  You become more tired as you fight. You can no longer serve your loved

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It’s A New Year, New You Challenge!!

Words Of Inspiration

‘Positive’ Is Power In Your Pocket Is there any area in your life that you feel as though you are going round and round in circles? Maybe this has been something that has been eating away at you for years, yet every time you have tried to make a change you have ended up where

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Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

Words Of Inspiration

Here is an incredibly inspirational message that I stumbled across a while back.  It was featured on the Oprah show when I happened to be watching one day and it literally brought tears to my eyes.  If you have ever had a dream, wanted to improve yourself in any way or have kids you MUST

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The Story Of Three Feet From Gold

Words Of Inspiration

One of the things that I love so much about karate is that it’s always challenging.  Just when you feel like you are getting somewhere, you realise that there is so much more to learn.  For some people, this can be all too much, so they throw in the towel and try something else before

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