Class Allocations For 2017

Dojo News

For some time now, we’ve been wanting to implement a class booking system in order to avoid over crowded classes. While it’s great to have big classes sometimes, we also want to give all of our members the attention that they deserve. With this in mind, as of Sat 28 January, you will need to

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Let The Year Begin At SCK!

Dojo News

A great morning of training to kick off 2017.  It was great to see a mix of all ages and levels enjoying this experience together.  Thank you to: Shihan Martin Phillips, David Strazzari, Klaudia Caston, Sam Hunt, Bailey Keefe, Keanu Caston, Sam Phillips, Savannah Perdikis, Justin Otto, Viv Dumoulin, Patrick Edwards, Andrew Crocker, William Baarslag,

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January 2017 Club Shop Sale

Dojo News

It’s been a few years since we’ve reviewed pricing of all our club shop stock.  And now that we have, we’ve decided to bump up some of the prices to keep up with our suppliers.  The good news for you, the new prices won’t take effect until February AND throughout January we’ve decided to run

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VIP membership special offer

Dojo News

If you’re the kind of person that loves karate and likes to save money, we’ve got something new to share with you. This is the first time we’ve ever done something like this, and we’re kind of excited about it, but we’re only going to offer 20 places, you’ll have to be quick. These VIP

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Welcome Back For 2017


We hope that you have had a great Christmas and the opportunity to enjoy time with family and hopefully a bit of a rest as well.  Now that 2016 has drawn to a close, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued involvement as a member at Sunshine Coast Karate and

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Kyu Grading Results – 3rd December

Dojo News

Congratulations to all students who successfully graded at the final kyu grading of the year.  As always it’s great to see students progressing to the next level.  Some students move faster, some move slower, but everyone progresses in the time that’s right for them. A special mention to two of our new adult students who

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December 2016 – Newsletter


The latest newsletter (December 2016 edition) is now available for download.  Hard copies are available from the dojo or on the dojo noticeboard, or you can view it online – December 2016 newsletter (PDF 3.7MB). This month’s newsletter features: Special Presentations Committed to Excellence Awards Brown & Black Belt Weekend Training Intensive Guest Instructors: Soke Sensei

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Celebrations For Patrick & Steven

Dojo News

Some of our karate kids helping Patrick and Steven celebrate their training milestones, 5 years of training for Patrick and 3 years for Steven. Just to put things into perspective, Patrick has been training for more than half his life. Well done boys.

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