Way to go Joshua!!

Dojo News

Joshua’s first lesson in 2021 and he not only received a tip that he had earned at the end of last year, but he also received one of the 2020 Student of the Year Awards. Great effort Joshua! We are very proud of your achievements and excited to have the opportunity to teach you.

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A touch of inspiration to begin your week:

Dojo News

Feature Interview with Mel Fawcett This week we are fortunate to be sharing this student profile with you all. Mel is a single parent & Co-Founder of a Start-Up Media & Education Company. Mel is obsessed with long distance running, the ocean and the outdoors and loves to physically and mentally push herself. Mel and

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2021 QLD Training Camp:

Dojo News

Registration forms are now out for the 2021 QLD Training Camp. Highly recommended for all students serious about moving ahead with their karate training this year.

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A perfect way to start the day…

Dojo News

Karate training on the beach with these amazing families!! Thank you to all our Sunshine Coast Karate families joining us in the early hours of the morning to come together for some great training, fun and friendship. What a Team!! Loved the energy, enthusiasm and especially loved those contagious smiles. Let’s continue to move forward

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Final Classes of 2020:

Dojo News

After the final classes of the year, we finish off with our annual water bomb fight. This is a tradition that has been going strong for several years now and is always a great way to finish off the year with a bit of fun and it helps to cool down a bit after training

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2020 Special Awards:

Dojo News

Every year we recognise students in the dojo who have had an outstanding year in the dojo and shown incredible growth. We don’t think anyone trains with the intention of receiving awards, but we like to recognise those who are going above and beyond to bring out their best and also inspire others around them

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Greater Brisbane 3-Day Lockdown

Dojo News

From 6pm this evening (Fri, 8 Jan), Greater Brisbane area has gone into a 3-day lockdown, while contact tracers work to ensure the UK variant of COVID-19 is not circulating in the community. This lockdown will be in effect until 6pm Monday 11 January. Whilst we fall outside of the area that has gone into

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2 Week Training Challenge:

Dojo News

We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to record a series of 2 Week Training Challenges to help make it easy for you to stay in the habit of training until the dojo re-opens Mon 4 Jan. No matter what your level, we’ve got a home training challenge for you. Little Champions (4-7 yrs) New

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Holiday Season:

Dojo News

During the holiday season it’s easy just to sit back and slow down and stop training. If you haven’t yet developed the habit of training, just taking a short break can be enough to fall out of the dojo completely.Karate is not a seasonal “sport”, it’s something that you need to give time to on

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15 Years in the Making!

Dojo News

Debbie has been working her magic for sometime at Sunshine Coast Karate as a parent supporting her kids from the sideline and volunteering at events and for many years. Debbie has been in charge of all things administrative and has most likely welcomed you to the dojo on many occasions. It was quite a surprise

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