Team Strazzari Celebrating Debbie’s First Year of Training

Dojo News

Sensei Martin captured a beautiful moment this week for Team Strazzari.  How is this for timing? The week that Debbie celebrates one year of training and the week after she earned her green/white stripe belt, both Senpai Selina and Senpai David are in the dojo together. For those of you who didn’t know, Debbie is the

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7 Years in the Making!

Dojo News

From Little Champion to Karate Kid to one of our newest Leadership Team members. Hayden continues to rise to greater heights challenging us as instructors to continually grow and become better leaders. Yes, Hayden has had his fair share of setbacks on this journey, but he just keeps on turning up and puts in his

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End of Year Presentations

Dojo News

Together, let’s celebrate all 2021 award winners. Below is a full listing of award recipients.  Please be sure to congratulate them the next time you see them in the dojo.  Congratulations everyone and thank you for being ‘You.’ Embrace every moment of this journey and know that your efforts of today will position you for

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Annual Xmas Party Fun!!

Dojo News

Thank you to all members and families who came along to last weekend’s Xmas Party. Here are a few photos sharing some of the fun. There are more photos on our Sunshine Coast Karate Facebook Page. A special thank you to committee members, volunteers, leadership team members and senior students stepping in to help make

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Parents Afternoon Off

Dojo News

This time of year can be really busy. We’re fast approaching Christmas and the end of the year. For parents especially, life can be hectic. We want to give parents a chance to take a breath and enjoy life for a while, whilst we look after the kids. Or if you want to just keep

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Kingsley & Ava Finishing Strong in 2021

Dojo News

Congratulations Kingsley and Ava!!  The smiles say it all.  Kingsley earns a new tip and edges towards yellow stripe, whilst Ava puts her yellow stripe belt on for the first time. A beautiful moment.  Thank you to Debbie for capturing this photo for all of us to celebrate Kingsley and Ava.  

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Way To Go Johnathon!

Dojo News

WOW, Blue stripe belt already! Johnathon is moving through the Little Champions curriculum relatively quickly and continues to amaze us with his focus, commitment, and determination with every training session. Congratulations Johnathon!!  

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It’s Time To Celebrate

Dojo News

Congratulations to all students earning new grades at the recent grading.  Be sure to take the time to celebrate your achievements and acknowledge how far you’ve come on this journey so far.  It wasn’t too long ago that we shared conversations with some of you about the struggles that you were experiencing.  Now, look at

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3 More Sleeps

Dojo News

We look forward to seeing all students and families who have registered their place at the upcoming Christmas Family Training Day. This event will be held at Cotton Tree Park, or in the case of wet weather, at the dojo. All venue updates will be shared via the SCK Facebook Page. More information about this

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