Noonan Kyoshi Visits Sunshine Coast Karate

Dojo News

Thank you Michael Noonan Kyoshi for your dojo visit on Friday & Saturday prior to today’s tournament. We very much appreciate you taking time out of your very busy schedule to visit our dojo to share your perspective and help to give our students some different ways of looking at things. Whilst you only really

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Sunshine Coast Chito-Ryu Karate Autumn Tournament Results & Photos

Dojo News

A big thank to all competitors, officials, volunteers and supporters for making our Autumn Tournament a great day of competition. There was a very high standard of competition across all of the division, from our most junior to our most senior competitors. A special thank you to Michael Noonan Kyoshi and your team making the

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Welcome to Sunshine Coast Karate Jayden!

Dojo News

Senior student, Jayden of The Karate Institute Peakhurst is visiting the Sunshine Coast to participate in this weekend’s tournament. Here are a couple of photos taken at the end of the family class and teens/adult class. Thank you, Jayden for visiting Sunshine Coast Karate. We hope that you enjoy your training. We look forward to

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Little Champions Winning At Sunshine Coast Karate

Dojo News

Congratulations to all of our Little Champions earning new tips and belts last week. Here are two photos from our Thursday Little Champions class. Four Little Champions earned tips and enjoy a special moment with leaders, Senpai Sami, Hayden & Johnathon. Keep up the great work everyone and thank you to all leaders for all

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More Grading Photos

Dojo News

Congratulations once again to everyone who earned new grades throughout April. Here are a few more photos celebrating some of the students who graded. And… Senpai Sami received her Nidan grading certificate (grading February 2023). Well done everyone!!

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The First Kobujutsu Kyu Gradings at Sunshine Coast Karate

Dojo News

Congratulations to all students earning new levels in Kobujutsu last weekend. Flynn Jordan – 1st KyuDaniel Probert – 2nd KyuSenpai David Probert – 4th KyuSenpai Selina Strazzari – 4th KyuBrett McRae – 4th Kyu If you are interested in learning Kobujutsu (weapons), please connect with dojo staff and they’ll help you get started on this

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A Training Opportunity Not To Be Missed!

Dojo News

Train with Australia’s highest-ranking Chito-Ryu Karate practitioner, Michael Noonan Kyoshi (7th Dan) – Head Instructor and Principal at The Karate Institute Peakhurst. Noonan Kyoshi has spent his life studying martial arts and has been fortunate to have been a student of William (Bill) Ker Sensei for 5 years before his first trip to Japan to

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The Smiles of Our Little Champions

Dojo News

As we welcome a new school term, we also congratulate these wonderful Little Champions earning tips and belts. Not a bad way to enjoy your first day back to school. Congratulations to all of our Little Champions and a special thank you to all instructors and leaders who continually bring their best to help all

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Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!

Dojo News

A small but committed team will travel to Japan in August to participate in the Chito-Ryu Karate-Do World Championships (Soke Cup). Here is the first team photo captured at the end of this morning’s training session. Thank you to all families and members who have been supporting these athletes in the dojo and with local

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