November Grading Results

Dojo News

Congratulations to the following Sunshine Coast mebers who successfully passed their grading which was held on the final day of the Queensland training camp.

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Queensland Training Camp A Great Success

Photos and Videos, SCCKA Association News

A few weeks back we had our first ever Queensland Chito-Ryu training camp which brought together members from both Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast dojos. The camp was held at maranatha recreation camp on the Sunshine Coast 21-23 November. Of the nearly 40 people who attended I don’t there is anyone that isn’t really excited about next year’s camp which is to be held on the Gold Coast.

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2008 Chito-Ryu Karate National Championships Results

Dojo News, Photos and Videos, SCCKA Association News

By now word may have passed around the dojo about some of the great results from our Sunshine Coast members who participate in the National Chito-Ryu Karate Championships in Lithgow, NSW, Sunday 26th October. This year our dojo was well representated with 14 competitors travelling interstate for the tournament. Of the 19 events contested, our dojo won, 9 x Gold, 4 x Silver, and 6 x Bronze. Not a bad effort!


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Martin’s Japan Trip 2008 – Part 5 >> Kakedameshi

Training Holiday

I have been back in a Australia now for a bit over half a week and have been catching up on some much needed sleep.  Now it’s time to catch up on the last few days of my Japan trip.  The day after the grading, kakedameshi, as week ago today… Like the day of the

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Martin’s Japan Trip 2008 – Part 4 >> Grading Day

Training Holiday

I’ve been a bit slow keeping up with my journal as the days have been very full.  I am currently sitting at Fukuoka ariport waiting for my plane.  My last update was very late on Friday night, or perhaps better described as very earlly Saturday morning, so I’d like to rewind a few days back

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Martin’s Japan Trip 2008 – Part 3 >> Final Grading Preparations

Training Holiday

Another full on day, but really good.  Weather has been warm and muggy, not much different than Sunshine Coast, maybe just a little higher humidity and we have had a bit of rain this evening. The day started early about 5.30am wake up, 6.00am taxi to the sohonbu, then morning training started at 6.30am.  As

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Martin’s Japan Trip 2008 – Part 2 >> Arrival & Training

Training Holiday

After several more hours wanderin around Singapore airport, 11 hours in total I made my way onto the next leg of the journey. I couldn’t get over the size of Singapore airport. It was my first time there, and although I have done a bit of travelling over the year’s, I haven’t been to an

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Martin’s Japan Trip 2008 – Part 1 >> Travelling

Training Holiday

I’m finally on my way to Japan for the 1st Annual Chito-Ryu Martial Arts Festival in Kumamoto, Japan.  After an early start this morning and a very late night finalising things before I left, I am currently sitting in the airport in Singapore with several hours to kill.  I guess it’s not a bad thing

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