Grading Success

Dojo News

Congratulations to all students stepping up for new grades on Saturday 5th December at Sunshine Coast Karate. 12th Kyu:  Sam Gilmour, William Gilmour, Ashton Bougoure,  Gabriel Devereux, Stanley Solomon, Euan Gray, Fallon Grieve, Nathan Baughan, Jack Glare, Jade Glare, Nicola Britchford, Braydon Whale, Hollie Thomas, Adam Gray, Jake Davis 11th Kyu:  Rhys Williams, Daisy Guy,

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Breathing for Good Posture


Dave Turpin Good posture is a fundamental requirement for good health.  Poor posture results in muscle tension.  Muscles under tension have reduced blood flow and can not be properly nourished.  This chain of events will eventually lead to seemingly unrelated health issues such as headaches, pain in other parts of the body and dis-ease.

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The 4 Laws Of Razor Sharp Focus


Parents; Have you ever found yourself wishing that your son or daughter listened better? Do you feel that just a slight improvement in their listening skills would make a huge difference in their potential? Getting your child to absorb 100% of what you’re telling them is a challenge that many parents and teachers face. Did

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Sunshine Coast Karate – Update

Dojo News

Hi everyone, There are still quite a few different activities scheduled for the remainder of the year.  Here are some of the highlights for you to look forward to.  If you have any questions about any of the upcoming events please contact us any time and we’ll do our best to help you. ———–EVENTS———— THIS

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School Holiday Parent Kit


Here is a a kit which is a series of ten fact sheets providing a collection of tips on avoiding holiday stress, safety issues and fun activities for the kids during the school holidays.  Click here Source: NSW Government Community Services

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Understanding Go No Sen, Tai No Sen and Sen No Sen


After our advanced martial arts class this evening I thought I’d do a little research on information communicating a basic understanding of the three timings:  go no sen, tai no sen and sen no sen.  Although we only touched on go no sen and tai no sen I think this short martial arts article will

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Philosophy and the Martial Arts


Here is an article I stumbled across in my studies and thought others may find it interesting. Please click on the link below to access the article.

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Santa Claus To Break A Board At Sunshine Coast Karate Xmas Party

SCCKA Association News

Christmas Family Day, Training & AGM The Christmas season is fast approaching and it’s time to celebrate what a great year we have had with all of our Karate friends and family. Once again we will be holding our Family Fun Day in Cotton Tree Park. As usual we will also be holding the SCCKA

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Join Us On FaceBook

Dojo News

With the growing use of social media throughout our Sunshine Coast Karate members we have decided to create a page especially for Sunshine Coast Karate members and families so we can all keep up to date. Down the left hand side of this page you will see some links for facebook.  Please click on them

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6 Tips For Parents To Be Great Coaches


1)  Always compliment your child after each class. (Find what they did well). This is also a great time to give out a hug or a kiss (these are free so be generous) – High 5’s work great too! Kids should immediately associate martial arts with feelings of success and pride. 2)  Watch as many

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