Sunshine Coast Karate Dojo Tour With Sami

Website Updates

For those that know our little family at Sunshine Coast Karate, Sami is our 4 year old daughter and has been busy helping us make some changes to this website.  Sami feels that as she is starting big school this year it is important that she gets to contribute to our website. I’m not sure

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Self Discipline For Kids


Self Discipline For Kids Have Fun, Create Life Long Habits And Unite The Family What is self-discipline? Self-discipline has been defined as the ability to make yourself do what you know you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not! A disciplined person knows what has to be done

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Keep Your Family Safe


This month we are proud to share another fantastic ‘Raising Real Winners’ interview  to share with you.  You will meet and learn from Tom Patire.  He is one of the most recognized authorities on child safety, personal safety and security and family safety in this entire world. He’s known as America’s leading safety expert and

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Christmas Lights On The Sunshine Coast

Dojo News

We do trust that you are all enjoying the beginnings of a fantastic festive season.  Here is a little something that may get your kids even more excited in the lead up to Christmas. If you visit our Sunshine Coast Karate Fan Page on Facebook you will find some photos of a christmas display in

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Let’s Finish The Year With A BANG!

Dojo News, Photos and Videos, Upcoming Events

The end of the year is almost upon us, so let’s end the year with a BANG!

There’s so much exciting stuff going on, here’s the short version. Be sure to click through to see all the details.

  • Christmas Picnic in reviews – Photos & Videos
  • Archive Videos – Soke Cup 1989-98, kata & kumite highlights
  • Frozen Treat Week – This week for all kids…
  • Success Focus Mastermind – Last meeting this week – Raise your financial IQ…
  • Good-bye Senpai Rhys
  • Christmas Holiday times – last training for the year & start dates for 2010
  • New Training Schedule for 2010. Only minor changes.
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Chito-Ryu Karate World Ch’ships

Dojo News

Every 3 years, Chito-Ryu Karate enthusiasts from all over the world come together to test their skills and to continue to strengthen friendships.   It just so happens that the next Chito-ryu Karate World Championships takes place next year in August and there is already a large amount of energy and excitement building within Australian Dojos.

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The Best Xmas Picnic Ever!

Dojo News

Sunday 13th December 2009:  Sunshine Coast Karate Members and Families Xmas Picnic and Annual Presentations. You can visit our Sunshine Coast Karate fan page to check out some of the photos taken today.  Sunshine Coast Karate Fan Page on Facebook. Great people, great day, great food, great FUN!!!  Even Santa Claus got involved in the

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The Two Most Powerful Weapons of Martial Arts

Dojo News

Nunchakus, the katana sword, double sticks, and others are among some of the weapons to be mastered through different styles of traditional martial arts.  All of them have their own merits, but I believe the two most powerful weapons which can multiply the power of your techniques are the subconscious mind and Chi energy.  Below

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The BEST Xmas Yet @ Sunshine Coast Karate

Dojo News

Hi Everyone, This is just a short note to make sure that everyone is up to speed with our Christmas Break at Sunshine Coast Karate. Final Classes for 2009:   Friday 18th December 2009 Resume in 2010:  Monday 4th January 2010.  Refer to training schedule We wish all members and families a fantastic festive season

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Martial Arts as Preventative Medicine


Here is an excerpt of an article I thought that many of you would enjoy. Read the entire article at By Richard Hackworth, Ph.D., Lac. Positive Body Changes After about three weeks of true martial arts training, a wide range of physiological changes take place. Practitioners will exhibit improvements in blood sugar, blood pressures,

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