Australian Karate Team Farewell Party

Dojo News

As many of you are aware we have a team of 12 competitors from our Sunshine Coast Karate Dojo heading to Japan in a couple of weeks to attend the International Chito-Ryu Karate Championships. Sunshine Coast Karate will host the final training session this Saturday 24th July 2010 for Australian Team members in the QLD

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2010 QLD Camp To Be Held On The Sunshine Coast

Dojo News

The ICKFA (Sunshine Coast Branch) is proud to present the 2010 annual Queensland Chito- Ryu Karate Camp. All Chito-Ryu members and families are welcome to attend! This year’s camp will be held at the Maranatha Recreation Camp, Sunshine Coast. For more information about camp facilities, please visit their website: This camp will bring together

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Sunshine Coast Karate: Calendar Updates

Dojo News

Hi Everyone, Updates have been made to the Sunshine Coast Karate Calendar of Events page. Updates include: – July, August and September, October events – QLD Camp 8-10 October.  You can now download your registration forms. Go straight to the Sunshine Coast Karate Calendar of Events Page. For further information about any upcoming events please

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2010 Sunshine Coast Tournament Results

Dojo News

Congratulations to all local and out of town competitors on your amazing performance at this year’s Sunshine Coast tournament.  Each year the standard of competition is getting higher and higher and this year was no exception. Here’s a full list of results. Well done everyone!

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Are You The New Karate Kid?

Dojo News

With the release of the new Karate Kid movie with Jaden Smith & Jackie Chan about to hit the big screens in Australia, we’re off to the cinema this Sunday, 20th June, for a special advance screening.  But we’re not just going to watch the movie, we’ll be there to show off some of our

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5 Easy Steps for Long-Term Success


1)  Free yourself from “shoulds” – Live your life on the basis of what is possible for you and what feels right to you instead of what you or others think you “should” do.  “Shoulds” distract you from identifying and fulfilling our own needs, abilities, interests and personal goals.  Find out what you want and

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How to Raise Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Dojo News

The development of high levels of self-esteem is critically important to your child’s future success! Here at Sunshine Coast Karate we take the job of helping you and your child very seriously. Please enjoy the following tips on what you can do to help ensure your child’s self-esteem is kicking at a high level. 1)

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Free Tickets To The Special Advanced Screening of…. THE KARATE KID?

Dojo News

Here is your chance to get your hands on some free tickets for you and your friends to check out  the special advanced screening of… THE KARATE KID Movie. Advanced Screening at the Maroochydore Cinemas is on Sunday 20th June 2010.  10:30am All you need to do is visit our Sunshine Coast Karate Fan Page

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Sunshine Coast Karate – Annual Tournament Weekend

Dojo News

ATTENTION:  Members, Families and Guests attending the Annual Sunshine Coast Karate Tournament Please note that squad training (final prep for competitors) will go ahead this Saturday 12th June 2010 at the Sunshine Coast Karate facility.  Squad training will start at 9:00am and go through until 12:00pm.  This is a free session and all students are

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8 Ways Your Child Can Defeat The Bully Without Violence


Bullying has always been a part of growing up. But how a child deals with it and the repercussions of dealing with bullying have changed dramatically. Incidences of bullying vary in severity. One thing that’s certain is repeated attacks whether verbal, physical, written, or on the internet erode your child’s fragile self-esteem. The CDC linked

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