Term 4 Calendar of Events

Dojo News

It’s shaping up to be a busy end to the year.  A great opportunity to finish the year strongly.  But if you think this year has been a big one, wait until you see what we’ve got planned for next year! Here’s just some of what we’ve got planned for you: Last tournament of the

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Soke Cup Success

Dojo News

The Chito-Ryu World Karate Championships (also known as the Soke Cup) is a triennial event bringing together the top Chito-Ryu competitors from around the world and the 2013 Soke Cup held recently in Hong Kong was no exception.  Although competitor number were a bit down compared to the 2010 Soke Cup, the competition was fierce and

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2013 Japan Training Adventure

Dojo News

After two and half weeks away in Japan Sensei Sandra and Jodie are now back in Australia from their Japan training adventure.  And what an adventure it was!! For those who have been following along on facebook Jodie has been sharing a lot of blog posts about her experiences.  If you haven’t seen these yet,

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Friday Evening Entertainment at the Dojo


This will be my final post before going to Japan tomorrow.  The goal of this post is to share some smiles, to nail the art of adding video to a blog post and to practice adding photos to a blog post. To begin this post I would like to introduce you to our son, Steven.

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A Sneak Peek Into Sensei Sandra’s Life


To help get a little more practice with blogging before going to Japan I thought I’d share some of the special places where I spend a lot of my time.  Many students have asked me what I do in my spare time so here is a sneak peak.  To put things into perspective, each day

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Martin… Please Help Me???

Training Holiday

The count down clock has started and it is time to get real serious about preparing for the upcoming training adventure.  There is only one person that I can think of that can help me at this stage and that is Martin.  I approached Martin for help and he said the perfect thing, ‘try and

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You Are Going To Japan!

Training Holiday

About 2-3 weeks ago I learned that I would be going to Japan to accompany scholarship winner, Jodie Marriott. I was quite excited to hear this at first and then the reality kicked in that Martin, Sami and Steven wouldn’t be travelling with me on this trip. Training in Japan has been a life long dream

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Member Newsletters – March 2013

Dojo News, Newsletter

If you’ve been into the dojo over the last week or so you are sure to have seen the March editions of the all the latest newsletters in your student mailbox.  But if you not, you can now download the online edition of the newsletters. Please note – You’ll need to be logged in get

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Achieve More Newsletter – February 2013 Edition

Dojo News, Newsletter

The Achieve More Newsletter is a newsletter for the leaders within the dojo. Our dojo leaders perform the important role of supporting students and helping instructors in order to make sure everyone gets the most out of every lesson.   In this issue: 2013: What Does That Mean For You? – ‘Becoming the best version

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No Excuses Newsletter – February 2013 Edition

Dojo News, Newsletter, Sports Karate

The No Excuses Newsletter is a newsletter aimed towards Australian team members competing at the 2013 Soke Cup in Hong Kong. There may also be some interesting reading for all other members who are part interested in competing in tournaments at any level. In this issue: Know Your Goal Announcing QLD members of the Australian

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