Want to help us destroy Ashton’s Jeep?

Event Information

Are you busy next weekend? ….Sat, 4th Oct from 10am Want to help us destroy Ashton’s $49,000 JEEP? As you may already know, one of our members Ashton Wood will be totally destroying his $49,000 and he’s asked us to come and do a demonstration and help with the destruction. I’m not going to get

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Black Belt Success For David

Dojo News

Congratulations to David Strazzari on earning his junior black belt earlier this year.  David continues to inspire many of us at the dojo especially our younger karateka as he continues to strive to grow himself and refine his technique.  David has been training for approximately 8 and 1/2 years and has endured many challenges along the

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Next Wednesday 1st October – School Holiday Fun!!!

Dojo News

A big thank you to Cath Amos for organising a couple of social days these school holidays.  There is one final School Holiday Fun Day next Wednesday 1st October.  For more information please contact Cath.  Contact details are on the flyer below. Stay up to date with your events co-ordinated by your local committee via

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Back in the Dojo!!!

Sensei Sandra's Adventures & Life Lessons

After an amazing trip to the International Chito-Ryu Karate-Do Headquarters, I have arrived home safely to my family.  It’s been a couple of days and I’m feeling very loved and in high demand.   I haven’t as yet had a chance to review/reflect my study notes as every spare moment I’ve had has been dedicated to

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Final Day In Kumamoto!

Sensei Sandra's Adventures & Life Lessons, Training Holiday

Up early this morning for a chat with family followed by a good stretching session.  I’ve really been enjoying my training, but I’ve been trying to keep my stretching up in order to get the most out of the experience.  My lower back didn’t agree with the Karate Kid training (pulling weeds) yesterday but just

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Sami’s Reminder: ‘Three More Sleeps Mummy’

Sensei Sandra's Adventures & Life Lessons, Training Holiday

Morning training with Soke Sensei to kick start the day and we had the pleasure of training with Todd Sensei again.  Some great training and more great learning.  I was re-united with one of the metal bo’s this morning which was great fun but let’s just say I need more practice.  I don’t have any

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Tuesday Fun!!!

Sensei Sandra's Adventures & Life Lessons, Training Holiday

I was a little slow getting moving today, but pulled myself out of bed and into the dojo for morning training.  This morning I got to enjoy free time so I focused on having a good stretch followed by Bo and kata training.  I’m working deliberately on a few key elements which I have picked

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National Holiday: Respect for the Aged Day (Keiro no hi)

Sensei Sandra's Adventures & Life Lessons, Training Holiday, Uncategorized

Today is a holiday in Kumamoto so there are no scheduled classes.  The third Monday of September (national holiday) is “Respect for the Aged Day (keiro no hi) – Respect for the elderly and longevity are celebrated on this national holiday.” In many ways I’m grateful for the holiday today as I have so many things

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Sunday: Family Time and Training With Kugasaki Sensei

Sensei Sandra's Adventures & Life Lessons, Training Holiday

Up bright and early this morning so I thought I’d stretch my body out and do a little bit of training.  It was a much slower pace compared to Soke Sensei’s classes, but it was nice to be up early and watch the sun rise in the dojo.  It’s been great for me to be a

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Seeing the World Through the Eyes of a Child

Sensei Sandra's Adventures & Life Lessons, Training Holiday

Up relatively early this morning despite a late night so I spent some quiet time in the dojo reviewing notes from my training journal and had a play.  I’ll move the main key points onto my computer over the next few days and continue to play and see if any other questions come about as

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