Maze Mania 4 Karate Kids

Event Information

Too young for Laser Zone… Come along and join us at Maze Mania  MAZE MANIA 4 KIDS Saturday 12th November 2011 2:30pm – 4:30pm 2 hours includes: Play entry into Maze Mania Loads of party food + drinks Lolly bags Ice cream cake * 12 years and under * adults welcome to come along to

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Sunshine Coast Karate Students Take On LaserZone

Event Information

Join us for a dynamic 2 hours of fun at our local LaserZone. Saturday 12th November 2011 10:30am – 12:30pm 2 hours includes: 3 x 12 minute laser mission sessions 3 arcade tokens per guest Pizza and drinks Popcorn and lollies * minimum age 6years * adults welcome to join in For more information please

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Sunshine Coast Karate – Spectacular Fright Night!

Event Information

Wasn’t too sure what to expect with this Year’s Fright Night Party, but can I say that our local committee (ICKF (Sunshine Coast Branch) Inc) put on one amazing party for all Sunshine Coast Karate members and families to enjoy. The venue, the costumes, the games/trivia, food. people = a great night of fun. If

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Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Black Belt?

Event Information

Nearly everyone who has done martial arts has at one time or another aspired to becoming a black belt. However, history tells us only a very small percentage of people actually make it. But, that’s about to change…  Anyone can be a black belt, even you!! We want to show you how simple it really

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Soke Sensei Visits Sunshine Coast Karate

Event Information

Soke Sensei (Supreme Instructor) is the head of Chito-Ryu Karate-Do world-wide and he’s visiting our dojo.  As you probably know, we recently travelled to Japan for a few weeks of training with Soke Sensei as part of our continued development.  While it is quite expensive to do this it’s worth every cent.  But now you

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Sunshine Coast Karate Yummy Mummy’s Take The Gold!

News, Special Feature

Congratulations to all Sunshine Coast Karate students on an outstanding performance at the National Titles over the weekend.  There are some great photos being shared via the Sunshine Coast Karate Facebook Page and the results of the tournament can be viewed by clicking on the following link.  2011 – ICKFA National Titles – Results A

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Who Are The 38 Sunshine Coast Karate Students Boasting New Belts?


‘Congratulations to all Sunshine Coast Karate students challenging for new grades over the weekend and thank you to all our parents/family members who continue to support all students on their journey to black belt and beyond’ For those students who graded on the weekend, be sure to take some time to celebrate your achievements with

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Gold Coast Beginner Tournament


For all our keen Sunshine Coast Karate competitors, please review the link below to learn more about the upcoming Beginner Tournament which will be held on the Gold Coast on Sunday 26th June 2011. Details you will find include: Tournament Venue details/directions Tournament Entry Form Download Registration/competition start times Look forward to seeing you

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More Long Weekends….

Event Information

Please make a note in your training diaries that there will be no classes at Sunshine Coast Karate on the following days. Monday 13th June (Queens Birthday) Friday 17th June (Maroochy Show Holiday) Training will be on as usual Tuesday 14th June – Thursday 16th June. Please continue to keep a good balance over these

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