NEW Sports Awards at SCK

Dojo News

ATTENTION LITTLE CHAMPIONS & KARATE KIDS We are pleased to announce that our friends at Subway Kunda Park will be making your training experience a little more exciting throughout term 2 & 3.  Not only will we do our best to deliver some great fun training and technical development in the dojo, but you will

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Committed to Excellence

Dojo News

In this post, we celebrate the following students who have been practicing karate for one year or more at Sunshine Coast Karate.  These students don’t just have an idea of what commitment is, but they practice commitment every time they enter the dojo.  With every session, every week, every month, every year, they continue to

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Congratulations Na’ila!

Dojo News

The winner of our “CONFIDENCE” Colouring Competition is Na’ila! Na’ila is pictured below with her winning entry and prize. Well done Na’ila and thank you to all of our Little Champions and Karate kids who entered this competition.

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Sunshine Coast Karate is Expanding!!

Dojo News

With the help of local builder, Stuart from Mack Builders, and the support from existing members, we are currently adding a second training space to our existing facility. Below are a few photos that were taken a few weeks ago.  Things have progressed further since these photos were taken, and we’ll share more updates in

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Supporting International Women’s Day – 8th March 2018

Dojo News

“May all women be free to dream, express, create and live their deepest heart’s desires.” ~ Amethyst Wyldfyre The following message is a gift from me to you.   As we continue to navigate our way through life individually and together, know that you have all that you will ever need within you, to live fully

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3 Years Training At SCK

Dojo News

Congratulations to both Faith and Miguel who have recently been awarded with their bronze medallions for training at SCK for 3 years.  A great achievement.  Well done Faith & Miguel!!!

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SCK Sign on Day Success!!

Dojo News

Our 2018 Sign on Day may have come and gone, but the memories created will be remembered for a long time to come.  If we were to sum up this event in a few words we would have to include, “community”, “team work”, “friendship”, “fun”, “inspirational”, “family”. A huge thank you to everyone that came

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Inspirational Effort from SCK’s Youngest Student

Dojo News

One of our young leaders, Anthony, had the pleasure of awarding our youngest student, Mahira, her yellow stripe belt. Congratulations Mahira on a great start to training at SCK. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with you and your family.  

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Squad Training Begins

Dojo News

As we settle into 2018, it is now time to re-commence squad training and begin preparations for the 2018 tournament circuit.  2018 is especially exciting as students will have the opportunity to compete locally on the Sunshine Coast and travel to the Gold Coast, Sydney and Blue Mountains for additional competitions. Stay up to date

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Welcome Back Sensei Helen!

Dojo News

Today, the weather forecast was kind to Sensei Helen. The rain stopped long enough for some fun lovin’ karate kids and little champions to shower her with “100 waterbombs”. Picture #1: Sensei Helen learning about her welcome back surprise. hehehehehe…..🙂 Picture # 2: After lengthy visualisation practice, our kids rallied outside of the dojo armed

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