A Special Afternoon For Amelie

Dojo News

The day this photo was taken, Debbie came in to let us know of a special moment for Amelie  which we celebrated in class that day.   Amelie and Audrey have ben training at SCK for a little while now and bring so much joy and energy to the dojo. It has been especially exciting to

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Subway Sports Awards At Sunshine Coast Karate

Dojo News

Congratulations to all of our Subway Sports Award Winners this week. Here are a few photos of a few of our recipients this week. A big thank you to Kunda Park Subway for helping us celebrate our young athletes at Sunshine Coast Karate.  

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You Did Jenson, Thanks Mum & Dad!!!

Dojo News

Jenson has been working hard for some time now in order to earn his first Little Champions belt at Sunshine Coast Karate.  It hasn’t all been smooth sailing for Jenson, but with the support of his family and instructors, Jenson is now celebrating with his karate friends and family. Although we all experience our training

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Senior Students Having A Positive Impact on Our Youth

Dojo News

It’s not always apparent what kind of impact you are having on the lives of others, good or bad, until it is pointed out to you.  I was reminded of this recently through one of our young karate kids, Jude and one of our seniors, Senpai Matt. Not so long ago in February, we held

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Team Sunshine Coast Karate, It’s Time To Receive Your Prize Of $5,000

Dojo News

A photographer and Telstra representatives will be visiting the dojo on Wednesday 20th June 2018 at 4:30pm to take photos of our team receiving a novelty cheque and capture some ‘before photos’ of the dojo prior to the installation of the large industrial fan. We would love to have you, your family and friends join

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Committed to Excellence

Dojo News

Congratulations to Karate Kid, Sai who has recently celebrated one year of training at Sunshine Coast Karate. Well done Sai, and thanks for the opportunity to work with you and your family.

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Karate Kids Stepping it Up a Notch

Dojo News

Congratulations to Karate Kids, Joseph and Kimberley who earned Subway Sports Awards last week.  It’s not an easy task to choose recipients for our Subway Sports Awards as there are so many great kids to work with. Keep up the great work Joseph and Kimberley. Thank you to Subway Kunda Park for helping us celebrate

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Second Training Space Update – Flooring is finished!!

Dojo News

Another busy couple of days working on the second training space.  It’s starting to look at little more like a dojo.   A big thank you to Sensei Martin and Richard for investing a great deal of time and effort to complete the flooring. Unfortunately I didn’t capture Richard being amazing this time but we’ll catch

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Team Sunshine Coast Karate…..YOU HAVE WON $5,000!!!

Dojo News

We’ve got some great news to share…. Because of your continual enthusiasm and effort over the last 4 weeks, Team Sunshine Coast Karate has won the Telstra Connected Community competition! WHAT A TEAM!!! But that’s not all… When we got offical word, the phone call went something like this… “Well you probably already guessed why

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