Pawel & Julia Travelling Interstate for QLD Titles

Dojo News

Pawel and Julia train with Michael Noonan Sensei (7th Dan, Renshi) at The Karate Institute located in Sydney. It was a wonderful experience to meet both Pawel and Julia and see them both do so well at the QLD Titles. A big thank you to Pawel and Julia for attending the QLD Titles and for

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Adam McDonald Sensei Visits SCK

Dojo News

A big thank you to Adam Sensei for visiting SCK almost 2 weeks ago now. Adam Sensei did everything from training, teaching, refereeing, setting up/packing up recent tournament and enjoying life as a tourist on the SCK for a few days. We are very grateful for the experience and will continue to practice many of

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Subway Sports Awards

Dojo News

Congratulations to all of our Subway Sports Awards winners.  Our final subway sports award has been presented and we would like to once again thank Kunda Park Subway for their generosity and helping us acknowledge our young athletes.

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Kuluin Fete… One More Sleep

Dojo News

The Kuluin P & C have been working hard to create a fete that will knock your socks off. Come along tomorrow to the Kuluin School from 10am to enjoy a fun filled day for the whole family.   Our SCK Demonstration Team will take to the stage at 11:00am showcasing some of SCK’s top

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Friendship Event at QLD Titles

Dojo News

Not long now until the QLD Titles and our friendship teams are enjoying a little time in each class to prepare.   We look forward to seeing you all in action soon. Keep up the great work everyone!   For our SCK friends, you can come along and enjoy the QLD Titles this Sunday 12th

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Archer Winning Big at SCK

Dojo News

Archer earned himself his yellow stripe Little Champion belt and a family celebration of his achievement. Smiles all round. :>) Congratulations Archer and thanks for the opportunity to work with you at SCK. Let’s keep growing together!

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More Tips & Belts for Our Little Champions

Dojo News

Na’ila is powering along to blue white stripe, Mahira is edging her way closer to her green stripe and Fynn has earned his very first tip as an SCK Little Champion. Congratulations to Na’ila, Mahira and Fynn. Let’s keep growing together.

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U3A Karate Class is Back in Term 3

Dojo News

We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with this amazing group of people in Term 3. I can’t wait to see how much they progress throughout the Term. To register for this class, visit U3A Sunshine Coast or contact SCK Staff.

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Congratulations Mia

Dojo News

Mia has recently increased her training commitment at SCK and she is on the move. Congratulations to Mia, on her recent achievement earning her orange stripe Little Champions belt. Keep up the great work Mia!!

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The Countdown to the 2019 Soke Cup has Begun

Dojo News

On Sunday 29th July we held a Soke Cup information session with a little bit of light training. It was great to see the return of our 2017 Soke Cup team members, PLUS Sensei Helen returning to competition, PLUS welcoming some juniors to the squad. Let the journey begin!!

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