Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Dojo News

* The dojo is now closed for 2 weeks (24 Dec – 6 Jan).* Classes will recommence Mon 7 January 2018.* Holiday training schedule will apply 7 Jan – 2 Feb* Regular schedule resumes 4 Feb 2019 BONUS FOR MEMBERS – When training resumes 7 Jan 2019, we want to help you kick off a

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December 2018 Newsletter


The latest newsletter (December 2018 edition) is now available online (see below).  Click on the thumbnail of each of the pages to see an enlarged version. Alternatively, a hard copy is available on the dojo noticeboard. In this issue: 2018 – What a Year!!! (Page 1) Member Bonuses for January 2019 (Page 1) Final Classes

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Adjusted Schedule

Dojo News

Long Weekend: Fri 28th September & Mon 1st October Friday 28th Sept: There will be no teens/adult squad class 6:15-8:00pm.  All other classes for this day will be on as usual (3:45 – 6:10pm). Saturday 29th Sept: No Classes Sunday 30th Sept: National Championships, Blue Mountains (visit SCK Facebook Page for team updates) Monday 1st

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Is Karate the Holy Grail of Anti-Ageing?

Dojo News

The Hidden Benefits of Karate by Irena Sprey, 7th Kyu This isn’t a weight loss story and I don’t have impressive before and after pictures to show you, because I pretty much look the same as did twenty years ago. People often equate thin with healthy. But this is not always the case. I recently

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Colless Family Hooked on Karate

Dojo News

At Sunshine Coast Karate, we are very grateful to have the opportunity to work with the Colless Family (dad – Terry and children – Sai, Alessandra & Fynn).  Below, Terry shares more about their experiences at Sunshine Coast Karate with the hope that it may encourage more families to join the Sunshine Coast Karate community.

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Introducing Our Dojo Leaders

Dojo News, Event Information

It’s a day of celebration today as we continue our final day of our countdown for our upcoming Sign on Day.  We have had a lot of fun sharing this countdown with you all and we hope that you have also enjoyed it. Below, are few photos of some of our team members that you

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Top 10 Things You’ll Experience During Your Free Class

Dojo News

Today we are going to share with you a little about what you may experience during your free class.  Although, we won’t cover everything, but it will give you a bit of an idea. So, let’s jump straight into it. 1.  Entering and Leaving the training area The picture to the left is the entrance

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10 Days To Go… SCK Celebrates Jasmine Caston’s Debut Solo Performance

Dojo News

Today we are 10 Days away from our “Sign on Day” and we are absolutely loving this countdown, as it is giving us so many opportunities to celebrate the amazing people that we get to work with everyday. Today we want to celebrate one of Sunshine Coast Karate’s amazing teenagers, Jasmine.  Outside of the dojo, Jasmine has

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