2021 Christmas Family Day is Almost Here

Dojo News

All members and families are invited to attend the Christmas Family Training Day. This will be held at Cotton Tree Park, or in the case of wet weather, at the dojo. Schedule9am Training11am AGM11am Games & organised activities for kids11.30am Annual Presentations12pm FREE sausage sizzle (provided by the association) If you would like to attend,

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Women’s Self Defence Tips

Dojo News

When it comes to self-defence, the best solution is to develop a good sense of awareness so as to avoid any potentially dangerous situations in the first place. But if you can’t escape you may need to fight back. Of course, these few tips are just some really quick ideas. And to really be natural

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Brothers Winning Together

Dojo News

It’s hard to believe that both Robbie and Jamie have been training at Sunshine Coast Karate for 9 years now.  Watching both Robbie and Jamie grow up into beautiful young men has been one of our teaching highlights.  We especially love how they continue to chip away at their training one lesson a week and

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What Better Way To Start Your Weekend

Dojo News

It’s wonderful to see the popularity of Saturday morning training growing in the dojo.  It really is a great way to start the weekend.  Here are a couple of photos from the teens and adults class last Saturday.  Thank you everyone for sharing your Saturday morning with us.  

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What is the Purpose of Karate?

Dojo News

Is it about learning how to fight or is it about self defence?  Watch this quick video where Sensei Martin explains his thoughts on the purpose of Karate.

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Keahi Introducing Himself To Our Little Champions

Dojo News

Keahi is one of our newest leaders.  Here is Keahi introducing himself before his first leadership class.  We are so very proud of Keahi and how far he has come over the years from his early days starting out as a Little Champion himself.  Our Little Champions are so very lucky to have Keahi stepping

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Congratulations Charlie-Anne

Dojo News

Please join us to celebrate Charlie-Anne’s training anniversary of 3 years.  Charlie-Anne is pictured below celebrating her 3 years of training with Sensei Martin. Well done Charlie-Anne.  Keep up the great work!

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Movember Is Here.. Let’s Get Behind Josh

Dojo News

Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health, and this Movember Josh is joining them. Together we can make a difference for men’s health – in prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention. Help me stop men dying too young. Support Josh here

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Martial Arts Helping Us Shape Our Parenting Skills

Dojo News

Many things take place in the dojo. At a surface level, we learn how to punch, kick, block. We learn kata, bunkai, kumite, kobudo, nage waza. We make lifelong friendships. We challenge ourselves to refine our techniques a little more with each lesson to achieve greater levels of mastery. We step up into leadership roles

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Let’s Welcome Our Newest Leaders

Dojo News

In the month of November 2021, we welcome Ben, Alex and Keahi to our Leadership Team.We are very excited to see Ben, Alex and Keahi stepping into leadership roles in the dojo. All three boys are wonderful students and are already inspiring our younger students. Keep an eye out for these three boys. There is

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