Celebrating One Year of Training

Dojo News

I still can’t believe Ruby and Layla have been training with us for a year already. From all of us at Sunshine Coast Karate, congratulations to both Ruby & Layla on a wonderful first year of training. Some great training, great progress and lots of smiles along the way. We are excited to be sharing

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Way to go Layla!

Dojo News

Layla wrapped up a wonderful year of training in 2022 earning her orange stripe belt. It was great to see the smiles when Layla was presented with her belt in her first class back in 2023. A special thank you to Layla’s parents for all their support throughout 2022. And, leaders, Senpai Sami and Hayden

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It’s Time to get ‘Karate Crazy’!

Dojo News

The first classes of 2023 are…TODAY. Download your training schedule here. Members can check your inbox for everything you need to know to kick start your year in the dojo. Still on holiday and can’t get to the dojo?… Join us tonight with our LIVE online class. See you in the dojo soon.

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7 More Sleeps To Go!

Dojo News

Are you ready to go ‘karate crazy’ in the month of January? It’s not long now before we re-open for the first classes in 2023. Check your inbox to learn more about all January events, training schedule updates, member bonuses, competitions and more. We want to see you WIN in 2023. Let’s Grow!! PS –

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Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Dojo News

Thank you to everyone who shared 2022 with us. We trust that you will all have a wonderful festive season with family and friends. We look forward to seeing you back in the dojo in 2023. Check your inbox for a January planner to help you kickstart your year. The final classes of 2022 will

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Xmas Picnic

Dojo News

Thank you to everyone who attended this year’s Christmas Picnic, Training Day & End of Year Presentations. Especially a big thank you to all of the volunteers who helped contribute to making it such a great day. Committee members organising and preparing the event, seniors who assisted with teaching, leaders who helped organise the games, parents

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Final Grading of 2023

Dojo News

Congratulations to all students moving up to new levels at our final gradings for the year. Plus all of our Little Champions earning new belts & tips. 12th Kyu – Yellow beltKoby Crocker, Logan Crotty, John Mitchell, Alexander Schroeder, Milo Smith, Jaime Toyer 11th Kyu – Orange belt, white stripeClaude Acio, Henry Cranefield, Muhammad Ibrahim,

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Virtual Guest Instructor

Dojo News

A big thank you to Milton Borque Sensei from Mukashi School of Karate for a great clinic on Henshuho last Saturday. Borque Sensei taught the clinic to the senior members of our regular Saturday morning class via Zoom from the other side of the world (Nova Scotia, Canada). The technology worked well and we had

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Black Belt Gradings

Dojo News

Congratulations to Senpai David Probert & Sensei Justin Otto, who successfully graded to shodan earlier this year. Presented with their grading certificate and black belts from Japan. Also congratulations to Senpai Sam Phillips, moving from Jr Shodan to Shodan.

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