Dojo News

Thank you to all students and families coming along to our annual Christmas Party last Sunday. Special thank you to all local committee members/volunteers, instructors and leaders for all your efforts to make this a great event for everyone. View photos from this event via Sunshine Coast Karate Facebook Page. Thank you Shane for capturing

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Congratulations Tom

Dojo News

Last week we were very pleased to present Tom Hurley with his shodan grading certificate and black belt from Japan. Tom graded to shodan earlier in the year after more than 20 years training with us. Tom is one of our longest training members and he’s still going. To use his own words “it’s been

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Little Champions Finishing Strong in 2023

Dojo News

Congratulations to all of our Sunshine Coast Karate Little Champions earning new tips and belts throughout the week. It’s great to see many of our Little Champions continue their training into the school holidays. Here are a few photos that we’ve captured throughout the week.

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December Kyu Grading Results

Dojo News

Congratulations to all students earning new grades at our final Kyu grading of the year. Keep up the great work everyone! 12th Kyu – Yellow beltNikita Carlile, Tomoko Carlile, Archie Trewin 10th Kyu – Orange beltNoah Batic, Austin Byrne, Marshall Clarke, Anaia Doughty, James Fruscalzo, Talon Grott, Tane Milson 9th Kyu – Green belt, white

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Committed to Excellence Awards

Dojo News

Congratulations to all students celebrating training anniversaries. Special mention to students celebrating 10 years of training at Sunshine Coast Karate.– Senpai Sam Hunt– Senpai David Probert– Daniel Probert– Steven Phillips Keep up the great work everyone and thank you for training at Sunshine Coast Karate. Our Sunshine Coast Karate family is better because of your

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Little Champions with BIG SMILES!

Dojo News

Congratulations to all of our Sunshine Coast Karate Little Champions earning new tips and belts. We are absolutely loving the beautiful balance of ‘FUN’ and ‘FOCUS’. A big thank you to our Sunshine Coast Karate instructor and leadership team who continue to challenge our Little Champions to greater heights. Together, let’s continue to do our

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Special Presentations at Sunshine Coast Karate

Dojo News

Some special presentations last week. Sensei Martin Phillips – receving Renshi & Kobujutsu Yondan grading certificates. Sensei Sandra Phillips – receving Renshi grading certificates. New red & black Renshi belts to follow for Sensei Martin & Sensei Sandra, unfortunately there has been a bit of a delay with the belts. Senpai Flynn Jordan received his

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