Let’s Welcome Our Newest Karate Kid, Ava

Dojo News

Here are a few photos celebrating Ava’s transition from the Little Champions Program (4-7yrs) to the Karate Kids Program (8yrs+). A class filled with smiles, determination & friendship. Way to go Ava!! And… thank you once again to all of our karate kids for both welcoming and challenging Ava to greater heights.

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Explaining the Concept of Shime in Karate

Dojo News

Sensei Martin explains the concept of SHIME particularly for those who might be starting to touch on the concept in their training. This video is specifically targeted towards students in the intermediate kyu to early dan levels. Much like many karate concepts, SHIME can be a little difficult to explain, but this video helps to

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Let’s Practice Yoko Geri (Side Kick)

Dojo News

In this video, Sensei Martin shares a simple yet powerful exercise to refine your side kick (yoko geri), adaptable even without a training partner. A special thanks to all the karate kids featured in this short video and a shoutout to leader, Jacqui, for her time and effort supporting our karate kids.

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Spencer is Moving Up

Dojo News

Here are a few photos of Spencer’s first Karate Kids Class. It’s not always easy for our Little Champions to transition into the Karate Kids program, but our welcoming Karate Kids makes all the difference. A big thank you to our Karate Kids for always looking out for our Little Champions and… keeping it FUN!

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Check Out Those Smiles

Dojo News

Congratulations to all of our Little Champions earning tips and new belts this week. It’s great to see so many Little Champions entering the senior levels and challenging each other to greater heights. Pictured below, congratulations to:Spencer – Brown stripeDevin – Purple stripeJoshua – Blue stripe Keep up the great work everyone!! Thank you to

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Testimonial – Sunshine Coast Karate

Dojo News

We love hearing what our students are getting out of their training here at Sunshine Coast Karate. It’s so much more than just learning how to kick and punch. Here’s what Heidi has to say about her son Hayden’s time training with us, so far… ——- My son started at Sunshine Coast Karate when he

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Priceless Moments at Sunshine Coast Karate

Dojo News

Beyond the belt, yesterday marked a transformative moment for one of our Little Champions, Taiyo. The change in belt colour is evident, but the true magic is Taiyo’s growing confidence from within. Congratulations, Taiyo. Keep up the great work!

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Guest Student at Sunshine Coast Karate – Will Madgwick

Dojo News

Meet Senpai William Madgwick (Shodan, Jun-Shidoin), guest student at Sunshine Coast Karate. In this brief interview, Senpai Will generously shares insights into his training journey. Having dedicated the initial 8 years to honing his skills under the guidance of Sensei Mark Snow (5th Dan, Renshi – Blue Mountains NSW), Senpai Will continued his training in

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Way to Go Ava!

Dojo News

Here is a photo of Ava soon after learning that she was awarded ‘Most Improved’ Advanced Little Champion of 2023. Ava had an amazing 2023 and we look forward to helping Ava have an even better year in 2024. Congratulations Ava and thank you for training with us at Sunshine Coast Karate.

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Sunshine Coast Karate’s Newest Yellow Stripe Belts

Dojo News

Congratulations Aaliyah and George!! Here are two very focused and committed young students powering their way through our Little Champions curriculum. A big thank you to both Aaliyah and George who always bring their best effort to every class. Not only are they both a wonderful example for our more junior students, but they are

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