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A Page Out of Rosemarie’s Book – Determination, Effort & Enthusiasm


Rosemarie (2)Observing a Genuine Person With a Heart of Gold

Rosemarie has been in and out of our lives for over 10 years now and watching her grow has been truly inspirational.   In the early years I knew Rosemarie mostly as a caring parent of three beautiful young children.   With every conversation and moment that I had with her, I knew there was something special about her.

I wasn’t a parent when I first met Rosemarie, but I just loved her dedication to her family. No matter what she did, she always applied herself with great determination, effort and enthusiasm.  Although she demonstrated such strength of character, it was always wrapped in a gentleness and genuine care for others.

Years later, I still have the privilege of working with Rosemarie’s children at our karate school. The main difference being that they now tower above me.  Rosemarie has also gone on to create a highly successful real estate business whilst balancing her family commitments. 

I can’t say that I am not surprised by Rosemarie’s success.  When you put opportunities in front of a person like Rosemarie, there is only one result that can eventuate.  Everything she touches will soon turn to gold as she consistently chips away at turning her opportunities into master pieces.

Recently, Rosemarie set a new challenge, and that was to start a karate program.  I am so excited for Rosemarie as I know the power of a quality martial arts program. Not only will Rosemarie do amazing things with this challenge, I believe that it will also take her life to a whole new level. 

RosemarieRosemarie in action at the final training session of 2014.

I know that her martial arts training will stretch and expand everything about her from the inside out. It will be challenging at times, but I know that her already existing strengths will gain even greater strength, and help Rosemarie tackle even bigger goals in the near future.

Rosemarie’s is currently moving through the foundational steps of her karate program in her usual style of determination, effort and enthusiasm. And then you have two of her children (Keanu and Klaudia) moving through the more advanced steps of their karate program edging closer to black belt with the same determination, effort and enthusiasm.

I don’t know what the future holds for Rosemarie and her family, but one thing I know for sure is that whatever they choose to put their mind to, they will have a high probability of success.  Especially when you couple their strengths with perseverance and patience.

The path to achieving any goal can be long and take considerable amounts of energy over a long period of time. There will most likely be challenges, big and small, scattered throughout which you will need to deal with and then continue on down what can sometimes feel like a long and lonely road. 

With a page out of Rosemarie’s book I know that you too will increase your chances of achieving your goals in 2015 and beyond.

Rosemarie 3Key Lessons From Rosemarie

Determination –  First you commit to achieving your goal. You choose to deliberately close the door behind you, lock it and throw away the key. The fuel that you are going to need running through your veins at this time is ‘determination’.  At times you are going to need some heavy doses of determination and other times a lesser amount. 

Effort –  If you have really worked hard and applied great effort to achieve previous goals than you would know the power of effort.  You would have also realised how you can amplify the impact of your effort by being consistent.  As you move into managing other people, you’ll soon realise the power of the consistent effort of many hands.

One of the hidden bonuses of applying effort to your life, is that of growing your confidence.  Next time you are looking at short cutting your way to achieving your goal, remember that you are only hurting yourself.  You may achieve the goal, but you would have missed the accumulation of confidence which would help you go onto achieving in bigger goals that you once thought impossible.

Enthusiasm – You don’t need to be the loudest person in the room to show your enthusiasm, but you do need to be highly interested and engaged in what you are doing.  Always aim to combine the works of the mind and body and continually expand yourself by seeking more.  There is always more that we can learn.

Be careful though.  When you start to think that you ‘know it all’, our friend enthusiasm seems to fade away.  I like to view the world through the eyes of a child.  And if I can’t imagine it, then I go and spend time with my kids. This is one very powerful strategy which can make all the difference when it comes to having a good day or a bad day.

Rosemarie with son, Keanu enjoying Sunshine Coast Karate’s end of year water bomb fight.

Quote for Today:  “Believe in yourself and all that you are.  Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” ~ Christian D Larson

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