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Black Belt & Instructor Gradings


Congratulations to QLD Chito-Ryu’s new black belts & instructor successfully passing gradings on the Sunday after 4 hours of training, followed by gradings.

From Sunshine Coast Karate, Tom Hurley & Andrew Crocker both successfully grading to shodan.

From Gold Coast Chito-Ryu Karate, Brendan Young, successfully grading to jun-shidoin (junior instructor).

Whilst all 3 have shown commitment & dedication to their training, a special mention to Tom who has been a long time student at Sunshine Coast Karate. He has been with us from the very early days of the dojo, nearly 22 years of training. A true embodiment of the words of the showa…

“With peace, perseverance and hard work, we are sure to reach our goals.”

And a cheeky photo Tom’s wife Wendy sent to us when he arrived home after the grading.

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