Banana in Pyjamas in the Dojo?


It’s not every day you finish Yr 12, so what better way to enjoy your final day of high school than to be a banana? Senpai Sami along with five of her school friends all dressed up as ‘Bananas in Pyjamas’ and we were lucky to have the ‘Senpai Sami Banana’ visit the dojo.

And, in case you are wondering… Yes, these amazing young ladies or should I say ‘Bananas in Pyjamas’ did get caught on video running down the stairs at school.

Congratulations Senpai Sami and all of our Yr 12 students who are currently training at Sunshine Coast Karate. We have taught many of you since your primary school years and feel grateful every day that we have been able to share these years with you.

Know that we are proud of all of you for being ‘You’.

Yes, you have:

– amazed us with your personal achievements in and out of the dojo
– inspired us with your maturity in dealing with adversity
– challenged us to continue to grow to the best of our abilities
– made us laugh so hard that we’ve cried

But, what stands out the most is the incredible young adults that you have all become. You are all so different, all so very special and we are grateful for your presence in the dojo.

As you wrap up your tutorials and exams, believe in yourselves and choose to create an adventure of a lifetime.

Keep it Real
Be Great, Be YOU!!

Here is a gift that keeps on giving that we hope will give you a touch of perspective as you navigate the next chapter of your life. PRICELESS!!

About the Author

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